
If you know of someone who has an exceptional record as a player in the golf of golf, or has made a difference for the game of golf in this province please nominate them below!

Nomination Criteria 

The nomination criteria is listed below: 

1.    Individuals must be 55 years of age at the time of consideration, with no requirement for them to be alive at the time of consideration;
2.    Individuals must have lived in the jurisdiction served by Alberta Golf during the majority of their accomplishments, but at the discretion of the committee, achievements from a players time outside of Alberta may be recognized;
3.    Be an amateur golfer during the majority of their accomplishments. At the discretion of the committee, professional accomplishments may be considered;
4.    Be a person who has brought recognition to Alberta primarily through either:
a.    Excellence in golf championship play at the international, national, regional, and/or provincial level; and/or
b.    Outstanding contributions of time and effort in the advancement of golf, all with exemplary conduct   

Nomination Form

Please fill out the nomination form below with all the information you can about your nominee and send it to

If we have any questions about the nomination or need more information, we'll let you know!

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